Having known nothing about them before pressing play I was quite surprised and somehow excited by the squealing feedback that opens Marfa Texas, within 3 seconds though all is restored to wonderful drum machines, handclaps and moog lines to die for. Each song lulling you in with guitar or keyboard lines less than subtly imprinting the chorus melody in your mind before its even arrived, so much so that you can almost instantaneously sing along.
Hardly a breath is taken in between tracks, each one fighting for your attention, each one succeeding. This is one of the best simple "lo-fi" indie pop albums I've heard in some time, very much reminiscent of one of my old favourites, the Pipas with touches of the Icicles, such a wonderful knack for keeping it catchy and yet still being capable of writing more subdued numbers such as Something Else.

Places I'm Dreaming reminds me of Lily Allens LDN (this is meant to be a COMPLIMENT, i love that song!)given bedroom pop treatment with it's infectious repetitive hook. But no doubt it'll be the wonderful Hot Dog Suit that leaves you with the biggest smile of the day "somebody told me/ they know where Peter's at.../He in a Hot Dog Suit/ Dancing in Front of You/ Oh Yeah!" somewhere close to genius, a wonderful pop album that will be played again and again this summer.
Transmittens - Marfa Texas mp3
Transmittens - Hot Dog Suit mp3
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